International Master on Wine Tourism Transitions and Innovations

Founded by the Erasmus+ Prgramme of the European Union

The International Master on Wine Tourism Transitions and Innovations (WINTOUR) is the first master's degree with European academic certification in the field of wine tourism. It is a unique educational programme resulting from an established track of collaborations among three leading European universities for Higher Education training in Tourism, Oenology and related fields: Universitat Rovira i Virgili - coordinator (URV - Tarragona, Spain), Université de Bordeaux (UBx, France), and Universidade do Porto (UP, Portugal). These universities are located in highly attractive touristic areas recognised as UNESCO World Heritage Sites with a long tradition producing wines and specialty wines. Related industries and institutions give support to this training program.

Check out the section HOW TO APPLY for updates concerning our application process

Embark on a journey of knowledge and discovery with our master’s program – where student experiences speak volumes. Watch our VIDEO now!