Fourth semester - Master Thesis and Professional Internship

Compulsory course


Master Thesis and Professional Internship (30 ECTS)

The Master Thesis is the result of the whole academic programme, in which the students have to develop a project related to the field of wine tourism during a professional internship stay in an institution or entity, public or private. This is the final outcome of the overall programme, so it has to show and put into practice the knowledge and competences acquired in the master's degree. The project is supervised by an academic tutor from one of the three universities (URV, UBx, and UP) and a professional tutor. The thesis is presented as a report in English and defended in front of the Thesis evaluating committee.

Students are required to complete at least 600 hours of professional work (including 100 hours of thesis writing) related to wine tourism, adapting to the company's working hours.

The Master Thesis should focus on the design of an innovative wine tourism proposal that apply the principles of sustainability and responsibility, connected to fields* such as but not restricted to:

  • Marketing and branding
  • Market diversification and products
  • Destination management
  • Tourism and culture
  • Sustainable consumption and production

*Classification according to the UNWTO Research themes in Tourism for SDGs

​The list of projects developed to date can be found here

The list of projects developed to date can be found here.

See the section ASSOCIATED PARTNERS to know more about our experienced collaborators.